Monday, September 8, 2008

Class Rep

August 7, 2008

At the beginning of the week jacob found out he had won the election for ADEA class representative. In order to get this position he had to write a statement of intent and then give a little two minute speech. (I guess Jacob’s speech was really good/funny because i kept hearing people compliment him) There were three people running for this position (including jacob) and you had to get at least 50% of the class vote. The were supposed to find out on friday night who had won but it came down to a tie breaker between jacob and some other guy. The class had to re-vote and Jacob came out triumphant! As class rep he gets to design the finals schedule and the older class reps say that people will hate you no matter what you do. On the bright side, he will get to go to Philadelphia and Arizona to participate in some sort of conferences. Other tasks include sitting in on the school’s curriculum committee and participate in the Associated Student Body. Also, this position is a 3 year gig so hopefully he likes it!


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