Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lets talk hair, specifically my hair. I love changing styles but am in a rut. That's why I'm turning to you, my friends and family. Here are some of my past looks

 Braids-did this for a summer of camping



 Dark Brown
 Brown with highlights
 Red-It wasn't this red the lighting is just weird
 Bangs-both straight across and side swept

 This is what my hair currently looks like. I've been growing it out and let my natural color come back
Puh-leeze help me decide what to do next!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


When Jacob proposed to me he did so with a wooden ring he had made. I loved it!

We then looked at several ring designs online and I gave him my top three. He surprised me with this beauty a few weeks later

I later heard about chocolate diamonds and fell in love. I told him that if I could pick out my wedding ring again I'd have one of those instead. Well, 4 years and a baby later, my diamond has some chocolaty friends

I love it! The small diamonds aren't extremely dark but have just a hint of brown. Isn't my hubby awesome!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Vegas Baby!

We decided to jump on the Jimmer Mania train and headed to Vegas for the MWC. We met up with my parents and had a great weekend. There were a lot of first for little Matea- first time flying, first basketball game, first time swimming. She was quite the trooper through it all. We got her special headphones to protect her ears during the basketball game so she slept through most of them. We got to go to all three games, go outlet shopping, and watch Love the Beatles Cirque de Soliel show.
Thanks mom and dad for this great vacay

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

4 months!!!

On the fifth Matea hit the 4 month mark! With preemies the also look at the adjusted age- hers is 1 month and three weeks. Matea now weighs 9 lbs 4 oz and is a little over 22 in long. So when you look at her adjusted age she's right on track.

Matea has been tube free since mid january and it is so nice! She still doesn't eat a lot, maybe 16-19 oz a day but she's slowly eating more and more. We have to do a lot to make up her bottles. It starts with me pumping for like 15-20 min, then we add a little formula to add calories, then we blend it with a thing called simply thick. Simply thick does just that- thickens her milk. We have to thicken her bottles because she had a swallow test done that showed she aspirates when eating. This means some of her milk was going down the wrong pipe. By thickening her bottle this should help reduce this. She then eats the bottle in 20-30 min and 2-3 hours later we do it again. Basically my day consists of trying to fatten her up :)

Matea is smiling now and it melts my heart! I've caught it on camera a few times but it's tricky. She is working on holding her head up, loves to coo and kick when she's playing in her gym, and prefers our bed to hers.
Daddy daughter so sweet
Happy valentines day!

Tired mom and baby

We wanted to see what she'd look like with hair so out came my wig
Big laugh

since being home from the NICU Matea visits a lot of drs for different things

Ped- shots, weight check, the usual
Speech therapist- work on her feeding
Physical therapist- help her gain muscle strength in her neck and core
GI- she no longer has to see on a regular basis but he checked her for reflux and swallowing
Nutritionist- Makes sure she's getting enough calories and volume

We've been lucky and have loved all our doctors and nurses.
We love are little angel! We are flying to Vegas in a few days and it will be our first time with a baby. Wish us luck!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Black Tie Affair

On Saturday we had our first date night since Matea came home. Jacob's school held a Legacy Ball which is a black tie fundraiser for their school. It's mostly Alumni and donors but Jacob got a free ticket for being in the student government so we figured why not. It was held at the Asian art museum and was really cool. The exhibits were open and there was food, a live band, and a photographer. We had a blast getting all dressed up and had great evening.
Dropping Matea off at our friend Sarah's. Thanks sooo much for watching her!

The food was yummy and kept coming.
Stairs up to the main room
We're so cultured

Isn't he handsome in his Tux?

Keeping it classy

Thanks UOP for a great event!