Monday, July 12, 2010


About 3 weeks ago my brother and his wife came and visited us before we all flew to Washington for a family reunion. We tried to cram as much into the few days they were here. Our first stop after the picking them up from the airport was our favorite taco place in the mission. We then drove to the painted ladies (aka full house houses)
After that we dropped off their luggage at our place and headed to the tourist trap that is fisherman's wharf.
We checked out the sea lions and then had Boudin's bread bowls for dinner.

WE then drove to chrissy field to fly our new kite. It was cold but so much fun!

The next day we drove to Muir woods to check out the redwoods.
Later that night we saw the Giants beat the Red Sox. Steven and Meredith were sad, Jacob was happy, I was content with my pretzel.

The following morning we watched USA lose which was so sad. T make us feel better we went to the beach. The flew the kite a little more and played bocce ball.

We had a great time in SF with them and then flew early morning the next day to Seattle to see the rest of my family.

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