Sunday, May 8, 2011

First Mothers Day as a Mom

What a great day. Jacob took care of all the night feedings then woke me up with waffles, yum! He even bought me some beautiful flowers. He's such a great husband that he changed all the poopy diapers and cleaned the house too! I sure love him.

One of my favorite meals is chicken parmesan and in the 4+ years we've been married Jacob has perfected his recipe.

Jacob also made this slideshow for me to say I'm a great mom. Made me cry. I love my husband and baby girl soooo much. My life has definitely changed in the past 6 months and I love it.

I'd also like to say thank you to my mom for all she's done for me. Thanks for the great role model of what  a mom is. And last but not least, thank you Jacob's mom, Tara, for raising such an amazing son.

On a side note- is it Mothers or Mother's Day? Both work, hmm.


Kristina said...

what a wonderful hubby you have!
i just love that video. what a fun thing to have!

Karen said...

Morgan, you are an amazing daughter--who has become an amazing mother--
You chose well when Jacob became your husband-- He is a great husband and father--
so proud of all of you!
and of course love to that baby girl!